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exhaust videos

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  • exhaust videos

    tell me what you think.... good or bad, i don't mind...

    casual driving:

    getting on it:

    up the driveway:


    not sure how to upload vids yet... any help would be appreciated, thanks

  • #2
    you need a new cameraman

    but it looks as good rolling as it does sitting.

    exhaust: i'm damn near deaf, so i couldn't really tell you.
    1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
    Latest nAst1 files here!
    Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


    • #3
      yeah the cameraman needs to hold the fuck still. lol car looks good, but i dunno maybe i should post a link to my exhaust
      but its getting re done because its all sitting too low.

      My Cardomain Page | My Random Online Gallery<- (Now Fixed)


      • #4
        umm...okay, wasn't really an exhaust video...just kinda sounded really muffled... and a lot of rubbing/rolling sound... or camera needs better microphone... thanks but no

        doesn't really matter how bad my 12 year old niece was at taking the video... all that matters is the sound... why poke fun at my video, when all you get from ^^that one^^ is a bunch of air whipping by the camera?

        video was supposed to be a sound clip right? not a bunch of muffled air vibrations, right? and not a video of how the car looked... hence "exhaust vids"
        Last edited by scott_c83; 10-12-2009, 01:32 AM.


        • #5
          ok now you all have gone and done it...made me wanna do a exhaust current car is a 98 grand prix gt all stock and the exhaust has a small leak in the resonator....still to quiet for me...gonna have to change ever i am not gonna tell you what kind of exhaust i do...i want to see if you brilliant minds here can figure out what i have done (when i get the vids up)...i'm sure some of you will figure it out tho ....while i am on the subject of cars....lemme run this past grand prix gt has the 3800 motor...i changed out a coil pack because one of the posts was all rusty....i have a miss at times (still) and i suspect the wires...reason being...they are numbered...i believe they are stock...if thats the case they have 213xxx miles on em...and that may be my miss...lemme know what you all think...laterrrrrrrrrrr


          • #6
            lol mine was strictly a point of view thing, and on my stereo it sounds pretty good. i mean you can hear the wind pretty hard, but at 140km/hr with the camera mounted on the outside of the car its tough to judge. but if you wanna get picky, i can say mine was atleast steady... plus the camera was sitting between the exhaust tips which are almost directly mounted to the ends of the mufflers here in a sort of 'test pipe' set up. but look, its cool if you dont like my vid. listen to it with something with some bass and you'll understand.

            to keep things friendly, what have you got for an exhaust set up? got a vid of it revving up in a parkade or something with some nice echo??
            for me for the most part i shoot pictures. i have a DSLR camera im pretty good with that doesnt do video. im learning though. i hear some sort of foam or something like that will help with the wind noise. for your friend, i would suggest a tripod, and less zoom. it wouldnt be so bad if he just took his time. find a more quiet location with less cars, take a 10 min drive out of town.

            if you do it. i will too. lets all do it, and vote on whos sounds the best!! a video with some sound, no crazy editing. and nothing longer than a minute or so should do. anyone else in on this??

            My Cardomain Page | My Random Online Gallery<- (Now Fixed)


            • #7
              These aren't my cars, but they are a couple of my customers...



              • #8
                Originally posted by scott_c83 View Post
                video was supposed to be a sound clip right? not a bunch of muffled air vibrations, right? and not a video of how the car looked... hence "exhaust vids"

                Wow, some people can't take a compliment.... Do you get pissy with everyone that tells you your car looks nice? I mean, you're the new guy here. You posted videos for everyone on the internet to see (not just here, but on youtube as well). You need to take a chill pill and learn to accept any kind off feedback you got from people here since you came here and posted it asking for opinions...
                -60v6's 2nd Jon M.
                91 Black Lumina Z34-5 speed
                92 Black Lumina Z34 5 speed (getting there, slowly... follow the progress here)
                94 Red Ford Ranger 2WD-5 speed
                Originally posted by Jay Leno
                Tires are cheap clutches...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by scott_c83 View Post
                  tell me what you think.... good or bad, i don't mind...
                  Seems like he just followed your request...
                  89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                  Follow the build ->


                  • #10
                    hey, i was just replying of how the guy was trying to thread jack my thread.... he should have went and started his own before posting a video of his own in here.... i merely wanted opinions who cares what the car looks like, if he wanted a video of how the car looks like now, then i would have put one up...


                    • #11
                      i'll get a vid of the MC parked when i can start it. DLG is on the charger...
                      1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
                      Latest nAst1 files here!
                      Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


                      • #12
                        lol if my vid was that much better than your three or 4 that it 'jacked your jack' as you put it... then yours must not have been that great to begin with right?? look. i got four more from my old car. its ALOT louder and i didnt experiment with it. lol its some straight sweet vids that sound good on laptop speakers even. you dont gotta get mad at me. get mad at your idiot friend who cant hold a camera steady. was he high on meth that day or something?? well either way. if you make a video like that, thats more still, that hits the power band while passing the camera, not after the shift... it will be ALOT better. nothing wrong with the car, its your fucking idiot camera man. if you wanna get more negative towards me, im gonna start back at you man. lets all play nice.

                        My Cardomain Page | My Random Online Gallery<- (Now Fixed)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by scott_c83 View Post
                          umm...okay, wasn't really an exhaust video...just kinda sounded really muffled... and a lot of rubbing/rolling sound... or camera needs better microphone... thanks but no

                          doesn't really matter how bad my 12 year old niece was at taking the video... all that matters is the sound... why poke fun at my video, when all you get from ^^that one^^ is a bunch of air whipping by the camera?

                          video was supposed to be a sound clip right? not a bunch of muffled air vibrations, right? and not a video of how the car looked... hence "exhaust vids"
                          nice how you read other ppls posts and interpret them to your liking.... seems like a little self centered to me...even by posting your vids in their

                          nice choice for a screen name, fits


                          • #14
                            do you have a small penis?? the only thing i could think of for you to try and be this tuff for on the internet is a small penis. im surprised you actually understood my name.

                            and to be honest with you i didnt really even read your whole post. it seemed like a waste of time with all the negativity at the start. for real. you wanna see my good exhaust vids? i got some sweet ass vids you couldnt even imagine! jealousy is a bad colour on a white GA. do you even know HOW i shot my vid?? you should sit down somewhere quite.... and think for a while. then, hand the camera to someone older i guess. plug your computer into something with some bass. i have 4 8" subs on mine sounds Just fine. Just fine indeed. yours, like you said. its supposed to be about sound. the best sound is in the powerband. and yours the best sound quality was acheived shortly after your shift into 2nd gear. - a driver error. not the 12 year old girl with the camera.
                            next time let it redline as you pass the camera. i hope you read this before someone kicks you off you ignorant small penised little fuck.

                            My Cardomain Page | My Random Online Gallery<- (Now Fixed)


                            • #15

                              -note: title of thread, exhaust videos.

                              doesnt say MY exhaust videos. i thought we could all share...? :P

                              My Cardomain Page | My Random Online Gallery<- (Now Fixed)

