Well figured since i finally decided what im doing with the engine i should post what i got going on.
Originally i was gonna build up my old 3400 block with iron-head pistons and headgaskets with 11.5.1 CR, with ls6 springs and ported intake manifolds and put that in my beretta.
well upon investigating the body of the beretta that idea went away since the beretta was rotted to hell.
So im still building up an engine just going to use my Grand am instead which is rust free. Im starting out with my newer engine thats in the car now that has 7k on it.
Im also going to either get a fuel cell or a 04-06 GTO gas tank since they are already mounted in the trunk anyway and go that route eliminating the fuel tank underneath and mount the muffler there and have it exit on both sides before the tire.
This is not my daily driver so im not really worried about sound and it driving me nuts. i got the subaru wagon to daily drive.
On to the parts
New OEM GM timing chain from the pre 99 3400
New Camshaft and Crankshaft sprockets to match the chain
New gaskets obviously
LS-6 springs and LS-1 shims
Ported Upper and lower intake manifolds
65mm TCE throttle-body
1/2 TCE Phenolic spacers
1357 grind cam from the 60degree store with custom length pushrods
theres more parts but those are the new ones.
On to the Pics

Crankshaft sprocket

36lb gtp injectors with connectors spliced on to work with my 99 wiring

and this is orignally what i was gonna use but when Jon accidentally sanded the letters off his i gave him the one i had. now i cant decide if i want to shave the letters or leave it with the letters and make people wonder. already shaved the casting marks

If i have time and the money im gonna grab the new trans i found with 300 miles on it.
And if you havent seen this is my daily/ gas saver. i was getting owned it the butt driving the grand am everyday. part was the engine the other part was the dam gas pedal is too heavy.
Originally i was gonna build up my old 3400 block with iron-head pistons and headgaskets with 11.5.1 CR, with ls6 springs and ported intake manifolds and put that in my beretta.
well upon investigating the body of the beretta that idea went away since the beretta was rotted to hell.
So im still building up an engine just going to use my Grand am instead which is rust free. Im starting out with my newer engine thats in the car now that has 7k on it.
Im also going to either get a fuel cell or a 04-06 GTO gas tank since they are already mounted in the trunk anyway and go that route eliminating the fuel tank underneath and mount the muffler there and have it exit on both sides before the tire.
This is not my daily driver so im not really worried about sound and it driving me nuts. i got the subaru wagon to daily drive.
On to the parts
New OEM GM timing chain from the pre 99 3400
New Camshaft and Crankshaft sprockets to match the chain
New gaskets obviously
LS-6 springs and LS-1 shims
Ported Upper and lower intake manifolds
65mm TCE throttle-body
1/2 TCE Phenolic spacers
1357 grind cam from the 60degree store with custom length pushrods
theres more parts but those are the new ones.
On to the Pics

Crankshaft sprocket

36lb gtp injectors with connectors spliced on to work with my 99 wiring

and this is orignally what i was gonna use but when Jon accidentally sanded the letters off his i gave him the one i had. now i cant decide if i want to shave the letters or leave it with the letters and make people wonder. already shaved the casting marks

If i have time and the money im gonna grab the new trans i found with 300 miles on it.
And if you havent seen this is my daily/ gas saver. i was getting owned it the butt driving the grand am everyday. part was the engine the other part was the dam gas pedal is too heavy.
