Oh... and for TDC Fiero guy... I've got six shiny used injectors from a 3800 SC SI. Should work. If not, then I'll hold off until I can get some different ones. It's not like injector swapping is hard.
Lessee... any new progress updates? I can't think of any, other than that I got my downpipe taken care of. 3 Inches for 20 bucks. Might be a bit of overkill, but I don't really care. I'm just trying to figure out what caused my idler pulley bolt to shear off while I was driving the car a few weeks ago.
Lessee... any new progress updates? I can't think of any, other than that I got my downpipe taken care of. 3 Inches for 20 bucks. Might be a bit of overkill, but I don't really care. I'm just trying to figure out what caused my idler pulley bolt to shear off while I was driving the car a few weeks ago.