Ok, so i modified a -95 mands/redz fwi to fit my 96 and all i have to do is some welds and some other stuff. i really hate to post another air intake topic, but i cant find much luck searching for what i want to know since there are so many uninformative threads about them. i'll list out my questions (most are mostly 94-96 gp dohc specific but not exaclty). thanks for any help. hopefully we can make some sort of diy sticky. if there is an obvious thread i should look at it, let me know.
1) what have you done to the fender brace? cut it out/remove it/other
2) where to put the horns
3) where to put the washer reservoir
pix here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v476/pwmin/cai/
progress can be found here for addt'l info: (w-body.com (in general section; not loading right now))
1) what have you done to the fender brace? cut it out/remove it/other
2) where to put the horns
3) where to put the washer reservoir
pix here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v476/pwmin/cai/
progress can be found here for addt'l info: (w-body.com (in general section; not loading right now))