Which is exactly whyy they were a bad design.
His were close to equal lengh, but not quite. If my memory serves correctly, his front ones went straight down, slowly angling together. Picture this, but less radical angles:
\ l /
\ l /
The outer two will be slightyl longer than the inner one, not more than a couple inches, but still, enough to make a slight difference. However it would radiate a lot less heat routing under the car, because you have airflow on them constantly, plus the hot air around them is not right by your itnake setup. However I would rather route the front ones around.
His were close to equal lengh, but not quite. If my memory serves correctly, his front ones went straight down, slowly angling together. Picture this, but less radical angles:
\ l /
\ l /
The outer two will be slightyl longer than the inner one, not more than a couple inches, but still, enough to make a slight difference. However it would radiate a lot less heat routing under the car, because you have airflow on them constantly, plus the hot air around them is not right by your itnake setup. However I would rather route the front ones around.