Ok, I read the write-up done by oldskoolgp(sp?), and it was very well written. In fact, made me realize that I still need to pick up a few parts. So tonight I was bored, got out my parts that I do have, and snapped some pictures of what I have so far http://community.webshots.com/album/330630391XMGWAp
So, I know that I need the intake, plenum, intake arm, and tb bolts. Is there anywhere that I can pick these up at?
Next, what is different about the cruise cable that it will not work with the newer style tb? Is it modify-able to get it to work, or is the only solution swapping the cables as well?
As for the vacuum lines, instead of getting the ones that are allready pre bent and at length, can I just go to the parts store and get my own lines?
Thanks all.
So, I know that I need the intake, plenum, intake arm, and tb bolts. Is there anywhere that I can pick these up at?
Next, what is different about the cruise cable that it will not work with the newer style tb? Is it modify-able to get it to work, or is the only solution swapping the cables as well?
As for the vacuum lines, instead of getting the ones that are allready pre bent and at length, can I just go to the parts store and get my own lines?
Thanks all.