Well since tearing the motor down, I got a chance to look at our water pump and cooling system more deeply. And since I will be adding an electric water pump when I put the motor in a Fiero, I figured I'd plan it out now.
Does the water travel down the radiator, up the engine like normal, or up the radiator, down the engine?
Our water pump is one fucked up design, it slides into that aluminum accessory bracketry thingy at the front of our motor, then bolts down. The water travels through passeges crafted in the aluminum bracket. I was going to mount an electric pump on the side of the motor, and then run a single hose into the entry of the aluminum thing(where the current pump draws its water from), and then craft a block off plate for the current water pump. This should work just fine, assuming water gets spread to both ports evenly, which it should if its under pressure.
I also wanted to eliminate some of the hoses that I will not be using, but I need to take a closer look to see which ones do what, and what way the water runs through them.
Does the water travel down the radiator, up the engine like normal, or up the radiator, down the engine?
Our water pump is one fucked up design, it slides into that aluminum accessory bracketry thingy at the front of our motor, then bolts down. The water travels through passeges crafted in the aluminum bracket. I was going to mount an electric pump on the side of the motor, and then run a single hose into the entry of the aluminum thing(where the current pump draws its water from), and then craft a block off plate for the current water pump. This should work just fine, assuming water gets spread to both ports evenly, which it should if its under pressure.
I also wanted to eliminate some of the hoses that I will not be using, but I need to take a closer look to see which ones do what, and what way the water runs through them.