i was considering doing a head swap in the future sometime. but need some facts from the ever-so-knowlegable peeps here to see if it is even possible be4 i even think of trying it.
i was wondering if any1 else has swapped them into a pre-96?
will they fit? the difference in compression height i have heard about in the pistons would that be enough to make the valves hit them?
i wanted to swap the heads because of the different exhaust port design(i have been told it is superior), increased compression is ok 2.
i have been told that the 96 cams are peaky vs. the flat power curves on the 94 cams. so i wanted to put the 94 cam bank on. but i discovered by chance that the 96 lifters are shorter. so a pre-96 cam bank w/96 heads would not be good(like bent valves...all of them).
so i guess that i would have to put the 94 cams in the 96 cam bank?
or would that even work?
i don't think u could put the 96 lifters in a 94 carrier cause i am sure the lifter bores are different.
and if i did retrofit 94 cams into 96 heads wouldn't the cams be kinda neuterd because of the different lifter sizes? then with that i would also have to swap the rear half(or just the rear plate) of one of the banks so that sensor can communicate w/the computer. i don't think the 96 has that cam sensor, but i am not sure.
i was wondering if any1 else has swapped them into a pre-96?
will they fit? the difference in compression height i have heard about in the pistons would that be enough to make the valves hit them?
i wanted to swap the heads because of the different exhaust port design(i have been told it is superior), increased compression is ok 2.
i have been told that the 96 cams are peaky vs. the flat power curves on the 94 cams. so i wanted to put the 94 cam bank on. but i discovered by chance that the 96 lifters are shorter. so a pre-96 cam bank w/96 heads would not be good(like bent valves...all of them).
so i guess that i would have to put the 94 cams in the 96 cam bank?
or would that even work?
i don't think u could put the 96 lifters in a 94 carrier cause i am sure the lifter bores are different.
and if i did retrofit 94 cams into 96 heads wouldn't the cams be kinda neuterd because of the different lifter sizes? then with that i would also have to swap the rear half(or just the rear plate) of one of the banks so that sensor can communicate w/the computer. i don't think the 96 has that cam sensor, but i am not sure.