it was flowed in 28 inches of water and i think a superflow 600 flowbench.
note: bottom of retainer hit top of seal @.400 on intake and .450 on exhaust
lift intake exhaust ratio
.050 48 32 66.6
.100 104 88 84.6
.150 149 127 85.2
.200 176 153 86.9
.250 200 166.5 83.2
.300 225 176.5 78.4
.350 244 185 75.8
.400 261 193 73.9
.450 - 198 -
note: bottom of retainer hit top of seal @.400 on intake and .450 on exhaust
lift intake exhaust ratio
.050 48 32 66.6
.100 104 88 84.6
.150 149 127 85.2
.200 176 153 86.9
.250 200 166.5 83.2
.300 225 176.5 78.4
.350 244 185 75.8
.400 261 193 73.9
.450 - 198 -