Here's the problem... Ever since I got my GTP it has had very very bad brakes, and as I have been driving other cars lately I have REALLY started to notice just how bad they really are. I just changed the pads on Friday and bled all four tires, that seemed ok, I had brakes at about 3/4 pedal. Then I drove the thing and noticed, wow.... nothing has improved at all, I have to push the pedal down 1/2 way to get any kind of response and then if I need to stop.... somewhat quick...... BAM right to the floor til they click, then I hit them again and it's up to like 3/4 pedal for a sec and right to the floor again... it seriously takes me 6 seconds to come to a complete stop from 25 MPH. Brake fluid is not low and all four bleeders shoot out straight fluid with no air bubbles. When I was doing the timing belt I did notice that the brake booster line was a little bit soft, but that couldn't affect the brakes that much, could it? Something is telling me that my master cylinder is bad..... no idea....