my question is- would it due any harm jus puttin them all back on?...even tho i mixt up the order in which they came off? 2my understanding they're all 35mm as well?? ...and does it have 2 be fuel line hose to keep the caps in place when i reaasemble? or can it be vaccume/washer fluid line? my source of info is a print-out from ALL DATA and a chilton...chilton says 5/16in.-exhaust and 7/32in.(5.5mm)-intake...but the all data says 3/16-exhaust and 5/32-intake?? which one?? and i been having difficulty finding a 7/32in. fuel line? let alone fuel lines in any of the sizes accept 5/16??? HELP!!!! ineed to get it up and runnin cuz i'm runnin out of time and money!?