ok i dont know if this is a problem anyone can help with but whats the harm in trying. ok, i just bought a 92 Z34 for $300, has 170,000 miles and runs pretty good except for a bit of a miss. i went and changed the rear spark plugs, casue the i bought it from said he just did the fronts. got the drivers side and middle no problem, thanks to the "bend the peice of metal" advice i got online, but when i got to the passenger side i put the socket down there and all it dose it spin. it's not seating onto anything, nor does the boot make the click when you press it down. however if the cars running and you pull the boot it does run worse. so the question it WTF is up with that spark plug? could it be stripped, very unlikely, could the top bit have broken off leaving the part in the cylinder intact? im stumped. any help would be greatly appreciated
