Hey guys i have a 96 monte z34 and i was wondering if the lower intake manifold gaskets are common to going out and the head gaskets as well? I got this car for free and it needs a little love it has been sitting for a year but when i got it all the shit was ripped off and exposed but when i put it back together and started it up it blew smoke out the tailpipes which looked really cool but not so good. So here i am i have to rip it apart again which i did and i took out the lower intake gaskets and they were obviously leaking but i am worried about the head gaskets too. Everyone knows it's alot less time to pull the motor and put in a new one rather than doing heads on this engine so i figured i would ask. i had 2 people tell me it needed 2 different things and they both owned the car (boyfriend and girlfriend) one said heads and one said intake.
Tell me what you think and if anyone can find me a blue right fender and headlight assembly cheap that would be great.
Tell me what you think and if anyone can find me a blue right fender and headlight assembly cheap that would be great.