I'm tired of not being able to depend on my GTP. The tranny is acting up again. Its still under warranty (second one) and now its like surging at cruise speeds, like a jerky feeling, fluid is good and all. It has 2 years and less than 30k miles on this one. Warranty is good for 3yrs/50K from GM.
I want to unload the car but I have put so much into it, like to the tune of $13K. Yea no scheit, I have all the receipts! I know I wont get even close to that. NADA books it at $4000-$4800. I still owe $1000 on the loan.
So do I get rid of it and lick my wounds, keep it but just dont drive it anywhere, trade in and get screwed. Fix it and keep wondering whats next?
Someone talk me out of doing this or talk me into it.
I still have the TGP to play with.....
I want to unload the car but I have put so much into it, like to the tune of $13K. Yea no scheit, I have all the receipts! I know I wont get even close to that. NADA books it at $4000-$4800. I still owe $1000 on the loan.
So do I get rid of it and lick my wounds, keep it but just dont drive it anywhere, trade in and get screwed. Fix it and keep wondering whats next?
Someone talk me out of doing this or talk me into it.
I still have the TGP to play with.....