Just wanted to say thanks to the folks that put up all the DOHC info and tutorials, they helped me out a TON! And, helped me get a great deal on a nice 96 z34. After a mechanic replaced the belt, it didnt run right...owner and mech gave up, so i ended up with a car that had a new belt, head and LIM gaskets, o ring, and a mere 82k miles for $1500...re adjusted the cams, and tomorrow will tell how well i can follow directions! Lol! Thank you all again, very much!
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Just a little update...it runs MUCH better than it did, but still aint quite right. Don't run so good until it is FULLY warmed up, then runs ok, but bottom end still seems a touch soggy. When cold, low end is way, way soggy. Put fresh gas in it since its been sittin a while. Time to borrow my friends scanner. But man, this thing hits felonious speeds like nothin when all is well!! Heaven help my driving record!!Sure wish I could make the shindig in Madison....