I am hoping this will make things easier for everyone when it comes to selecting a cam. The 29.99 for this service is turned into a coupon, so that the cost of the cam will be $300 afterwards, and you will have the best cam already picked out. If you want to select your own cam using the comp cam lobes, I have those listed on the site here.
You may find more lobe profiles/cams by looking up LS1 engine cams as well The complete comp cams lobe profile library is in pdf form on their site here.
I will be working on the cam pages to allow the intake lobe, exhaust lobe, intake centerline, and lobe seperation angle to be put in when you order. The "stage" cams will be put back up as I have time, and the cam spec cards supplied from Comp will be posted as I sell specific grinds. If you have questions or comments, just post a reply here on the forum.