I did this write-up for another forum but figured it would have interest here.
I started with this unit. I had it on my 1972 Chevy Nova until it started leaking around the housing o-rings. It still cooled fine, it would just lose freon over about a 2 month period. It will go on a 2.8 carburetor engine in an older a-body car. I will be changing the pulley to a vee-belt pulley.
First, remove shaft nut and install compressor clutch hub puller.
Remove clutch hub, making sure not to lose the key!
Remove the snap ring that retains the pulley to the compressor.
Install a puller, making sure the puller bolt ONLY presses on the neck of the compressor, NOT the shaft. The socket sits on the neck, protecting the shaft.
The pulley off. I will be changing this out for a vee-belt pulley.