A lot of the information in this write-up is word for word from Megamanuals V3 assembly guide. But I'll just use the information that's relevant to 60degreeV6s.
You will be referencing this image a lot to identify locations of the components as you are installing them. I recommend you print it.

Power circuit
Install and solder the male DB-37 header (P2) {A23289-ND or A32103-ND} on the PCB. The connectors require a bit of force to 'snap' them into place. Solder all of the pins to give the headers the maximum physical strength. Then install and solder the female DB-9 header (P1) {A23305-ND or A32119-ND}.
Next, install the 40-pin DIP socket {AE7240-ND or AE10018-ND} for the processor - notice that the notch installs near the bottom of the board, corresponding to the PCB silk screen. The socket must be installed from the top of the board, and soldered from the bottom side. To prevent the socket from falling out while you turn the board upside down and solder, you can use a bit of scotch tape across the socket to hold it in place (this works for many of the ICs and some other components). Carefully solder the socket, and inspect each solder joint for shorts (to adjacent pins) or cold joints (solder applied to a joint the isn't hot enough to flow properly, typically they won't have a nice 'cone' to the solder).
Next, you are going to install the components that make up the power supply, and then verify operation. The first part to install is the 'Perry' Metal Oxide Varistor MOV1 {P7315-ND}. This is a large flat disc, about an inch (~25mm) in diameter. It is soldered near the DB37 connector, and does not have a polarity, it can go either way around. This part protects the MegaSquirt® from surges on the 12 volt line.
Install the capacitor C15 {399-4202-ND, 0.001 µF, 102 marking}. This goes near the MOV1 you just installed, between it and "Grippo" in the copyright notice.
Install and solder C16 {399-1420-ND or 399-3584-ND, a tantalum capacitor, 22 microFarads (µF), 226 marking} - make sure polarity is observed. It has a small “+” near the positive lead. The longer lead is also always the positive lead. It is located next to the DB9 connector.
Install and solder C17 {399-1420-ND or 399-3584-ND, tantalum, 22 µF} - make sure polarity is observed. The longer lead is positive on all of the capacitors. It is located next to the C16 capacitor you just installed, near the DB9 connector.
Install and solder C18 {399-4329-ND, 0.1 µF, 104 marking}. This installs near the DB9 connector, just above (closer to the heat sink area) the C17 capacitor you installed in the last step.
Install and solder C19 {399-4329-ND, 0.1 µF capacitor, 104 marking}. This installs near the CPU #1 pin.
Install and solder C23 {399-4329-ND, 0.1 µF capacitor}. This installs near CPU pin #21.
Install and solder C22 {399-3559-ND, 4.7 µF electrolytic} - make sure polarity is observed. It is located very close to C23.
Install and solder D9 {1N4001DICT-ND} - make sure banded end is installed correctly as per board. This installs near the DB9 connector, very near U5 on the heat sink. To do this, make sure the end of the diode with the band on it goes to the end of the silkscreen (at D9) that has the band nearest it.
Install and solder D10 {1N4001DICT-ND} - make sure banded end is installed correctly as per board. This is installed near the MOV1 you installed earlier.
Install and solder diode D11 {1N4001DICT-ND} - make sure banded end is installed correctly as per board. This is installed near the MOV1 you installed earlier.
Install and solder D12 {1N4749ADICT-ND, 24 volt Zener} - make sure banded end is installed correctly as shown on the printed circuit board. This installs very near D10 and D11.
Install and solder diode D13 {1N4742ADICT-ND, 12 volt Zener, 1N4742 marking} - make sure banded end is installed correctly as per the board. It is located above the column of capacitors above "Grippo" in the copyright notice.
Install and solder diode D19 {1N4734ADICT-ND, 5.6 volt Zener, 1N4734 marking} - make sure banded end is installed correctly as per the board. It is located in the upper right section of the board (near the DB37 and heat sink), below the Q14 and Q10 transistor and R32, R30 & R31 resistors.
Install and solder L1 {M8388-ND, inductor, 1µH, small coil of wire with leads}. It is installed near the notched end of the CPU socket. Space the inductor about 1/8” (3mm) off the PCB to avoid shorts on the traces underneath.
Install and solder L2 {M8388-ND, inductor, 1µH}. It is installed between the CPU socket and the DB9 connector. Space the inductor about 1/8” (3mm) off the PCB to avoid shorts on the traces underneath.
Install and solder F1 and F2 {RXEF050-ND}. These are ˝ Amp poly fuses (small yellow discs that look similar to some capacitors) that acts like a circuit breaker on the 5 Volt supply to the PCB from the regulator. F1 installs very near the DB9, in the middle of some of the capacitors you have already installed. F2 installs near the center of the DB37 connector, and very close to it.
Install the voltage regulator U5 {LM2937ET-5.0-ND}. This part installs near the DB9 connector on the top of the board. Use heat-sink compound on the tab, and use the nylon screw and nut to fasten to the PCB. The leads go through the board and are soldered on the top side.
Install a jumper from the hole marked S12C to the hole marked JS9 (+12C). These are on the bottom side of the board, on the DB9 side of the processor.
Connect the following jumper wires to control your GM IAC valve:
- Connect (1A)JS0 (under the processor socket) to IAC1A (near the DB37 connector) - this brings out IAC1A on DB37 pin #25
- Connect (1B)JS1 (under the processor socket) to IAC1B (near the DB37 connector) - this brings out IAC1B on DB37 pin #27
- Connect (2A)JS2 (under the processor socket) to IAC2A (near the DB37 connector) - this brings out IAC2A on DB37 pin #29
- Connect (2B)JS3 (under the processor socket) to IAC2B (near the DB37 connector) - this brings out IAC2B on DB37 pin #31
Since we will be using an ignition output signal to control an ignition module with MS-II, jumper JS10 to IGBTIN, then jumper IGBTOUT to IGN. JS10 is on the bottom side of the board under the processor slot.
If you want to use CAN communications (if you plan on using an electronic trans and plan on building a GPIO board to control it), jumper JS6 to SPR1/CANH and JS8 to SPR2/CANL
Testing the power circuit is important to make sure you built everything correctly. Directions for testing can be found on the megamanual V3.0 assembly instructions - Step 23.
Serial Communications Circuit
First step, install capacitors C26, C27, C28, and C29, {all 399-4329-ND, 0.1 µF, 104 marking} by soldering them in the appropriate locations near the DB9 connector.
Next, solder the serial communication MAX232, U6 {497-2055-5-ND} - note the proper orientation on the silk-screening.
Testing the com circuit is important to make sure you built everything correctly. Directions for testing can be found on the megamanual V3.0 assembly instructions - Step 26.
Clock Circuit
Install C1 {399-4329-ND, 0.1 µF, 104) and solder. This is located near pin #20 of the CPU socket.
Install and solder C20 {399-4361-ND, 0.033 µF, 333 marking}. It is located in a row of three capacitors above the L1 inductor you installed (above ".info" in the copyright notice)
Install and solder C21 {399-2075-ND or 399-4326-ND, 0.01 µF, 103 marking}. It installs beside C20.
Install and solder C24 {399-1911-ND, 47 pF, 470 marking}. This installs on the other side of C20.
Install and solder C25 {399-1908-ND, 22 pF, 220 marking}. This installs near the Y1 square silkscreen pad.
Install and solder R1 {10KEBK-ND, 10K, brown-black-orange}. This installs near pin #18 of the CPU socket. Resistors do not have a polarity, so they can go either way around.
Install and solder R3 {51KEBK-ND, 51K, green-brown-orange-gold/silver). This installs near pin #21 of the CPU socket.
Install and solder R6 {10KEBK-ND, 10K, brown-black-orange}. This installs near L2, by the 'Boot' jumper hole.
Install and solder R21 {10KEBK-ND, 10K, brown-black-orange}. This installs between C20 and C25.
Install and solder R22 {100KEBK-ND, 100K, brown-black-yellow}. This installs between the pad for Y1 and the components you have already installed nearby.
Install and solder R23 {10MEBK-ND, 10M, brown-black-blue}. This installs between the Y1 pad and the CPU socket.
Install and solder Y1 {300-1002-ND, 32768 Hz crystal, the very small silver can with the two tiny wires}. Note that Y1 is physically fragile, do not drop it. The crystal will fail to operate if it touches other components, so be sure it is clear of these. Bend the leads at a 90-degree angle so that the crystal lies parallel to the PCB. Note: You may want to “glue” the crystal to the printed circuit board with a cushion of silicone rubber adhesive (RTV) or 'hot glue'. A small "blob" on the under side of the crystal will cushion the crystal and dampen any mechanical vibrations. A small metallic ground pad is provided for this purpose.
Processor installation and flashing
Insert the CPU U1 into the socket. Check the orientation mark to make sure that you've installed it correctly.
Now it's time to load code on to the MS2 processor.
Get the latest version of MegaSquirt-II code here:
Download the correct firmware and downloader (the downloader is here) for your chip. Install the downloader by clicking on the file and following the instructions. Note that the V2.0+ versions of the downloader can get the latest code and INI from the internet and install them, if your PC has internet access. You can initiate this with the 'File/Upgrade' menu item.
To use the downloader.exe:
1. Power down MegaSquirt® EFI Controller,
2. Put the boot jumper on both pins of the header marker B/LD (for "bootloader") on the MegaSquirt-II (not the main board)

3. Power up MegaSquirt® (plug in the stim). The LEDs on MegaSquirt® will flash very briefly (if installed), then go out. This is proper response for the LEDs when the MegaSquirt-II goes into bootload mode (i.e. when the bootload jumper is on).
4. Start the downloader program, and select the appropriate COM port,
5. Select the appropriate .S19 file, and the downloader will read, write and verify the code to the processor in about 10 seconds or so.
6. The process ends with a message like "Verification succeeded, 999 records total (4 skipped)."
7. Shut down the downloader program.
8. Remove power from MegaSquirt® (disconnect the stim).
9. Remove the boot jumper (or put it on just one pin of the B/LD header for storage)