- Error Codes: 12-66: I like to enable ALL except for the ones that either can't apply, or would cause me grief. example: I have ALL enabled except for EGR (due to the #1 solenoid being bad), VATS (don't have it), and Gear Switch usage (since it seems like a useless diagnostic). it's amazing how many the factory decides to leave disabled in certain stock tunes.
- Calc execution time in each branch: not exactly auto related, it's for the ECM to know how long it's going to take to do something.
- Idle fuel: this is somewhat confusing but one option will allow idle fueling to be based off of the BPC vs EGR table the same way all other fueling is done(via dpeed-density), while the other option causes idle to be alpha-N based, which for some reason caused a MUCH smoother idle for me.
- VATS: enable if you have/want it.
- Fan 1/2 request: this has to do with how the fans are triggered. if your fans come on when they shouldn't be and shut off when they should be on, this is why.
- Shifting Logic: if set, the ECM will not attempt to lock the TCC, instead it will light up the shift light. now, they use the same pin on the ECM, so you would get some VERY erratic TCC operation if it was enabled with an auto.
- Clear malf codes by grounding diag terminal: know that little paperclip trick to flash the SES light? well, if this option is selected, after flashing the codes, they get cleared.
- Closed loop CCP: closed loop here meaning it forces an action of a known magnitude, looks for a response, and then adjusts magnitude to reach the desired operation.
- Additive Closed Loop CCP: I haven't looked into it too much since it seems to be disabled in most BINs.
- F31: meaning you're running a -e tranny. for some reason, it looks like GM code engineers were planning on using the A1 mask to control the 4t60-e. they eventually moved on to using $DF in the 16149396, so I don't know what was going on here... just keep it disabled unless you want to personally test it. I hold NO liability over what may happen to you or others around you.
- Ignore 3rd gear switch in diagnostic: it's how it sounds.
- Bypass EGR learned opening point logic: I can't think of any A1 cars that used anything other than the 3 digital solenoid EGR setup; this is intended for PWM based units.
- A/C pressure transducer present: duh?
- Must be closed loop to enable CCP: also, duh?
- CCP valve: this is how you tell the ECM whether or not to apply power to the CCP solenoid to get it to open or close. normally open means the ECM has to apply power to block the CCP from allowing gas fumes into the motor, while normally closed means that it has to apply power to open it.
- W-car A/C option: I have NEVER seen this enabled, so I don't know what was up with it. it's possibly for dual zone climate control or something related to it, but I am making no promises on it.
- Reset INT on BLM Cell change: usually enabled. I usually disable it since I don't want a log giving me false info.
- 4th gear required got converter overtemp advance to be added: simple enough.
- Dual RAM HUD: makes sense, right? wrong. the HUD is actually a piece of factory test equipment, used to view every RAM variable at the same time, usually for debugging and diagnostic purposes.
- Reset INT on AE: same as reset on blm cell
- TCC must be locked for converter overtemp advance: also, simple.
- F1 spark able, idle cell, first row command: tricky one: with this, at idle, the ECM ignores the current MAP value and just uses the value in the first MAP column for the correct RPM. why this is done, I have no idea, especially since the amount of advance looks to be the same at normal idle ranges and the first row.
- Slew: slew is one of GM's ways of saying either PWM operation, or that it's going to filter something so that it's not instant on-instant off.
- Stall Torque Management: this is what enables the launch mode. most manuals have it disabled. if you NEED the traction, enable this, up the launch mode bias and enjoy the temporary reduction in power necessary to keep the tires from spinning.
- 4 speed automatic transmission being used: simple enough, right? if not checked, and no manual flags or constants are set, then the ECM assumes a 3 speed.
- EGR: most if not all W's that run A1 are digital EGR setups. I think the last W with a V6 that had EVRV was the TGP.
- Highway fuel: enable at own risk. wait until EVERYTHING else is perfect before doing this. it makes the ECM ignore the O2 and run lean at low-medium load. if you do this with bad VE tables, you could cause LOTS of damage due to detonation. it is normal for the ECM to jump in and out based on a timer so that the ECM can get an idea of how the fueling is, then go lean again and ignore the O2.