Ok, so we tested the waters, gotten our feet wet, so the only thing left is to jump in and get to writing the article! There really isn't much for me to talk about here, as it should be pretty self-explanatory. But, you know me, so let me talk a little about what we would like to see when it comes to content... Since this website has always been focused on the technical side of the 60V6 engines, we are really looking for technical articles. No, I don't expect book quality publications here, but I do expect the articles to be helpful to the rest of the community. If you are going to write an article about replacing the upper intake manifold gaskets, include the tools required for the job (sizes of all the various sockets and wrenches), part numbers of the gaskets, any miscellaneous items needed for the job (RTV? coolant?), etc. Take pictures of the work you are doing, especially parts that might be confusing to someone with little to no experience working on these engines. Don't expect everyone knows as much as others. Act as if it was the first time you were doing the job. Don't dumb it down, of course, but make it easy to read, easy to follow, and descriptive enough that members are going to recommend your article to others.
The Asset Manager will show any attachments you have previously uploaded, so if you want to reuse an image in an article ever again, it will be easy, and will avoid us having the same picture uploaded multiple times. Once the Asset Manager is open, you will see a button in the upper right corner labeled "Add Files". Click on that, and a box will pop up to allow you to browse your computer to find the picture(s) you want to add. Clicking on the "+" button below the browse button will allow you to upload up to 3 files at the same time. Another option, for people who already have images up on Photobucket and want to use them in an article, is to click on the word "Website" above the browse button. This will then ask for the URL to the image. Paste it in, and the image will be copied over to our site for your use. As you add more and more images, the lower box will begin to populate with the new images, to allow for insertion into the article. When you are done uploading, click on the "Insert Inline" button, and it will automatically place the images into the article, wherever the cursor currently is. If you just select "Done", then the files will still be available for use, but they will be listed as downloadable attachments at the bottom of the article. This is useful for files other than images (PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, etc) that you want to include for people's use in the article.
If you click on "Done", you can still insert the images into the article later, its just a little more work. In the toolbar, there is an icon that looks like a paperclip with up and down arrows n

Well, I think that pretty much covers the basics of writing an article. Feel free to post comments and ask questions about parts you don't fully understand, or want to know more about. I'll respond to the comment, as well as update this article as needed to address the questions and comments. Hopefully this will take away some of the fear people may be having with writing an article for the site. And just remember, all articles submitted by the community will be reviewed by the site staff prior to being published. If you can't seem to get it all figured out, but have a good portion of it done, send me a PM or email with questions, and I will be more than happy to look over what you have and try to assist you in getting the article figured out.
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